The newest installment of our Jungle store line, Jungle 04 houses everything for an up and coming TTG duelist to become a champion! Here you can find a wide variety of fun and competitive card games, such as Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Weiss Schwarz, Vanguard, Buddy Fight, and many more, along with accessories like card sleeves and play mats to help protect your cards and show off your favorite designs. Looking to construct the ultimate deck? Our store is staffed with experts of various card games who can help you get started, from various booster packs to a wall dedicated to single cards of various games, we got the tools and knowledge you need to help give any deck a boost. Our store even includes a play area for people to come casually play a few games with friends or challenge other players during our weekly tournaments, helping to build a strong community of players that enjoy gathering together, helping people get into their games and, most importantly, have fun!
Entertainment Hobby Shop 4th
Merchandise Handled / Service Weekly store tournament, Deck build advice. Inquiry about the merchandise listed above |